~ Email : jpreciouscrafts@yahoo.com

Sunday 29 April 2012

咖咖与戴安~天使鸡蛋仔 Angel Eggy~Guar Guar & Dian (Sold)

2012年的开始,就有个想法,要创作天使鸡蛋仔. 2012年的今天,他们诞生了. 欢呼!
I have an idea to make the angel eggy from the beginning of year 2012. Today, 29th April 2012, they being created! Woohoo!

图样在脑子里想象了一遍又一遍, 画在纸上的也有好几遍, 如今把他们握在手上了:) 他们就是守护天使 :)  蓝色的是咖咖, 粉红的是戴安.
I have repeating imagine the image of the eggy, and draw them out few times too, now i am holding them in my hand :)They are the Guardian Angel, the blue one is Guar Guar and the pink is Dian.

我是童心未泯, 他们充满了童趣, 还为他们取了名字!
I feel my self back to childhood, they are childishness, i even gave them a name!

为什么是咖咖和戴安? 因为是从英文名字翻译的. 而英文名字是把Guardian这个词汇分开而来的. 有特别吗?
Why call Guar Guar and Dian? Because this is translate from the English name, and Guar Guar and Dian is the separation of Guardian, special enough?

They are full of love, caring, happiness and protection, watching over you, guide you when you are in doubt, do you willing to bring them home?

Size : Approx 7cm from the top of the light circle
Status : Sold
For more details and inquiry please email to jpreciouscrafts@yahoo.com, i will reply to you soonest possible:) thank you.

Monday 23 April 2012

幸福ing 鸡蛋仔 Wedding Egg Couple (Customer Order)

又完成了一对客订鸡蛋仔, 又是个浪漫幸福的季节了, 就再次不厌其烦地告诉大家,每一次缝制鸡蛋仔的心情是有多开心和温馨:)
Completed another pair of customer ordered Wedding Egg Couple, i know now is another season full of happiness and romance. I would like to repeat again, my heart is warm and joyful every time when making this egg couple:)

我爱粉红, 这一对鸡蛋仔也是粉红族:) I love pink, this pair of egg couple also join in the rank of pink pink :)

第一次为新娘戴上长头纱 This is the first time i made a longer veil for the bride

待嫁新娘红红的脸蛋 Rosy chic of the bride

谢谢Kelly的信任及支持, 希望你的朋友也喜欢他们:)
Thank you Kelly for your trust and support, hope your friend will like them too:)

Friday 20 April 2012

手作饰品集 Handmade Jewelry Collection (SOLD)

朋友给我机会,要帮我推广我的手作饰品. 于是, 这几天晚上都尽量抽时间出来做饰品, 昨晚交货了,今晚可以休息一下下咯:)
A really nice friend provide me the chance to promote my handmade jewelry. Therefore, i have been busy to make jewelry for the pass few nights. Last night all of them being passed to my friend, so tonight i can take a break :)


本人很卖花赞花香的说,全都很美咯:) I love all of them :)

Sunday 15 April 2012

好可爱零钱包 Cutie Coin Purse (Sold)

针针皆辛苦,是做这两个零钱包的心声:) 它小小的, 却也不简单.
My hardwork in every single stitch, this is what i want to say after complete these two little coin purse. They are small, but is not easy too :)

Zakka Made with Heart and Soul Coin Purse, 杂货风心灵零钱包 (Sold)
背面是用印章盖上的图案, 可爱的雄...Back view of the zakka style coin purse, the motif is hand stamped....

Purple Girl and Mirror Coin Purse 紫色女孩零钱包, 用黑色水玉做包边, 可爱又带点沉稳..(Sold)
前看后看都可爱 :) Back view also cutie and sweet :)

Size : Approx 9cm (L) x 6.5cm (H) x 3cm (base)
Status : Zakka Made with Heart & Soul Coin Purse (Sold)
           Purple Girl & Mirror Coin Purse (Sold)

If you love them too, please email to jpreciouscrafts@yahoo.com to purchase or for further details. I will reply you soonest possible, Thank you!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

红苹果零钱 包 Red Apple Coin Purse

Simple and nice coin purse, but i still took such a long hour to make it...but after completion and looking at the end product, i am happy with it :)

前面看 Front View
后面看 Back View

Wednesday 4 April 2012

粉红海军化妆包 Pink Navy Cosmetic Pouch

这是我接触布手作一年多以来作的比较大的包包. 买了新布就迫不及待,老老实实地跟着书做了出来. 可以及格, 但可以改进的空间还很多. 这也是继小鸟零钱包后第二次缝拉链, 比第一次是整齐多了 :) 只是不知什么原因, 拉链缝上后是呈波浪形呢? 格友们可以告诉我吗...小女子在这里向您讨教了, 呵呵.....

This is the bigger pouch that i have made since a year ago when i started making fabric craft. I can't wait and started to make the pouch by followed the book's instruction after i bought the new fabrics. The result is 'pass', but still have pretty much to be improved :) This also my second time to sew a zip, is better than my first time when sew the birdie coin purse. But i don't know why, the zip is in wavy shape after sew on? Can you tell me if you know the answer? hehe...thanks to you in advance.